Jesse Hal: Ambitious, Fearless and on a Mission [King Hero Interview]
Join myself and the intrepid host of The Missing Link, Jesse Hal. For a King Hero interview to talk about what inspired him to get and stay on his mission to get the truth out there.
We will talk about protecting and taking care of others, his near-death experience doing that, and how he stays committed to a path of love and inner wisdom on his Hero’s Journey.
Jesse’s Bio:
Jesse is ambitious, fearless, and on a mission to shift consciousness.
After knowing things are just not right here from a young age, and pushing out as much truth as he could, he started 'High Vibe Love Tribe' to help raise vibrations, and then did a Truth telethon where he found his calling as an interviewer, and started his own show called 'The Missing Link Live', where 'LINK', perfectly stands for "Love Inspiring New Knowledge", where he holds a safe space to find Missing Links about people and the world, and record history in these pivotal times. He has now done over 800 interviews, and is going and growing strong!
Jesse has no lack of amazing life stories and experiences, including a near-death experience after being stabbed numerous times protecting someone. He has been through it all and always comes out stronger and more loving, and his stories and inner wisdom, never cease to amaze.
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Being free is not a spectator sport - Hal Anthony, “Behind the Woodshed”